New Marvel Ads

Its been years since I thought of myself as a Marvel Zombie but since DC has found a new way to drive me to drink (at least until I’ve had a chance to read it myself and see the results of their upcoming changes) I’ve turned headlong back into the House of Ideas for the time being.  Titles like the Avengers, New Avengers, Incredible Hulk(s), Alpha Flight, Mystery Men, FF, Amazing Spiderman, Ghost Rider, Daredevil and Thunderbolts keep me coming back time and time again without fail.  The last year has me back at Marvel and I’m happier for it.  DC may waver and I’ll always be a staunch fan of theirs but for now, Marvel has my eye and its like going back home after being away for a long long time.

So to say that this new ad campain from Marvel doesn’t have me interested would be lie.  The basic design isn’t unique but really fits the characters and grabs the eye and I’m interested in seeing what this leads to.  From what I’ve read the colored letters are a sort of easter egg on this upcoming “event”, “relaunch”, or “title” whatever it may be.  Check out some sites like CBR or Newsarama for info on what the letters form if your interested.  In the mean time, I’ll post whats been released so far here for your enjoyment.

Nuff said…

One response to “New Marvel Ads

  1. Dr Strange’s cloak! Nuff said.

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